Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Tools [All credits go to howfie]
TTT2 files (ofc. I am using the xbox 360 files here, I dont know if this will fully work with PS3 files, though I think howfie will be testing that out when he recieves the game)
So, to begin with, you need to decompress the .bin's with xbdecompress. This will give out your decompressed.bin. For this I seperated the data000.bin into another folder to avoid the of the extraction of every .bin as I have already done that.
So, here is what I have in the folder, the compressed.bin and bin2nmd:
Now, you need to use the cmd (or in my case Total Commander, I dont know how to use cmd on its own, TC is easier for me)
Enter in the following (common sense lol)
This will appear:
Then, it will continue on and on until every bin is extracted (that is if all the compressed bin's are in the same folder, but in my case I only have one) once each bin is extracted this will appear underneath:
NDXR = Models
NTXR = Textures
BONE = Well... Bones xD
This will generate a folder with all the nmd's extracted:
Now its time to open Noesis, in this part I am using data014 as data000 doesnt have the main models and has no bones for the models.
Opening the models will something like this (there are only a few combined models like Anna's Octopus costume, Kunimitsu's Alt, Tiger Jackson model etc the rest are uncombined and you will have to join all the parts of the model together)
Loading textures will show something like this (all textures for a certain model are in one _texture file, like this model has around 70-ish textures in one file, so it will show them moving through each texture when loading it)
Bone files wont load, it will show a "File could not be previewed" error unless Noesis is updated to let the bone files load up alone.
When you find which files you need (model, tex and bone. textures and bones are stored after the models, so there is a batch of models, and one of them is the one you need, there will then be a batch of texture files, one of them will be the one you need, same with the bone files) I usually put them in their own folder so its easier to find. You need mergenmd in that folder too like so:
Load up mergenmd (dont need cmd or anything this time) and you will get these:
Just load up the files that the program asks for.
This will then let you save the combined .nmd which is perfect for loading into Noesis, just name it whatever you want:
So, once you do this, you will get your nmd. Load this nmd into Noesis and you have your model! The texture will not be assigned correctly, you will need to load it into whatever program you use afterwards and re-texture it. So here is what it should look like:
As you can tell this is the incorrect bone file, you will just have to test every bone file in the batch after the model you want, it is time consuming, but this is the only way to do it, unless Noesis gets updated for support of these bone files. Some meshes will seem like they have dissapeared but they havent, they are just randomly transparent.
So thats how you do it