Sunday, 15 April 2012


“A special ops version of the MP5 with a built-in suppressor. It uses subsonic rounds in order to produce even less noise and is easy to control to its light recoil. The SD is an abbreviation of the German 'Schalldampfer', which means 'suppressor' in English.”

The MP5SD5 is a Sub Machine Gun first introduced during the 05-23-11 Content Update. It possesses excellent ROF and above-average damage, giving it an remarkably high DPS. It also has an integrated silencer, making it useful for flanking. It has occasionally problematic bloom which may be cured by using the Spetsnaz barrel. Alternatively, when shot in 4-5 shot bursts, the MP5SD loses almost all its bloom, making the Burst Barrel the more useful attachment as it makes the gun overall more deadly. This is highly recommended, and makes the MP5SD5 one of the most effective burst weapons in the game (especialy when combined with a Silicon Grip).

The gun takes approximately 5 shots to the chest to kill, which is convenient as it does not bloom until the 6th shot. When couched, this gun is extremely accurate at extreme ranges with predicable vertical recoil with almost no bloom whatsoever, making it a excellent counter-sniper weapon, though damage dropoff should still be taken into consideration.



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